Damian Williams

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • October 2, 2024

"There are a couple of pieces of advice that I wish I had received earlier in my career. One of them is to embrace feedback. Don't just accept it when it comes your way, but really seek it out."

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Judy Kluger

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • August 22, 2024

“Take chances. Throughout my journey, I’ve ventured to be open to change and new challenges. Some questioned my decision to leave a very fulfilling career on the bench to become the Executive Director of a not-for-profit. In hindsight, it was one of my best career decisions."

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Robbie Kaplan

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • May 13, 2024

"It’s really important in life and especially important as a lawyer to listen to yourself. If your gut or your instincts tell you that something is wrong, whether legally, factually, ethically, or otherwise, then chances are that it is wrong."

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Nadine Strossen

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • March 22, 2024

"People – and students in particular – are surprised about the interconnection between free speech and human rights"

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Twyla Carter

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • January 24, 2024

"Your law degree doesn't make you an expert, it makes you a lawyer."

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Anthony Crowell

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • November 16, 2023

"One of the best things for a lawyer to be able to do is to talk a little less and listen a little more."

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Alvin Bragg

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • September 10, 2023

"Sometimes, justice is attained through big, important legal argument. But it is always promoted through small, thoughtful actions."

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Loretta A. Preska

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • June 16, 2023

“Litigation is not a science. It is so totally art, and every case is different.”

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Jeff Robbins

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • February 1, 2023

“There is a direct line, unfortunately, unless you’re a genius, between neurosis and excellence. Neurosis doesn’t necessarily guarantee excellence. But excellence usually requires neurosis.”

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Elise Langsam

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • October 28, 2022

“Especially in trial work, you have to be practical. There’s a lot of psychology involved. You have to figure out what plays with your audience.”

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Chip Loewenson

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • September 9, 2022

“Know what is happening internationally, in the industry, in science, in Congress, at the regulatory agencies, and in the states. Any of these might affect your client’s business—not just their legal issues.”

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Robert Blecker and Julia Davis

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • July 15, 2022

“The good bosses were the ones who let you do your job and supported you when you did well; but also supported you when you made mistakes.”

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Judith Livingston

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • May 16, 2022

"You’re not going to be as great on year one as you’re going to be on year five. And then you’re going to think in year five, 'Wow you really know what you’re doing.' And then you’re going to look back in year 10, you’re going to say, 'Wow I was such a novice.'"

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Jeh Johnson

By Steve Cohen • New York Law Journal • April 11, 2022

"With respect to what young lawyers should watch or read: Don’t watch crime shows. Crime shows give you a distorted picture of what goes on in criminal justice."

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