Arbitration can be tailored to meet litigants' needs

By Adam Pollock • March 6, 2024

In “Arbitration can be tailored to meet litigants' needs” (CA Daily Journal, March 6, 2024), managing partner Adam Pollock alongside Rich Lee, the CEO and co-founder of New Era ADR, discusses arbitration's role in efficient, effective dispute resolution. They consider the future of arbitration and note that arbitration, unlike many proceedings in public courts, can be modified to fit the needs of plaintiffs and defendants alike.

Emphasizing the speed and cost-saving benefit of the arbitration process, they write "an efficient and clear ending helps plaintiffs move on with their lives rather than wait years for a verdict."

They also examine the public's perception of the arbitration process, noting that it is often seen as skewed in favor of the corporations that end up paying for the proceedings. Thusly they suggest some possible solutions to this concern, such as developing a forum where both sides can agree on a consensus arbitrator.

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Arbitration can be tailored to meet litigants' needs | Daily Journal