Judge ‘Permanently’ Blocks Medicare Advantage Switch For 250K NYC Retirees, City To Appeal

August 11, 2023

In “Judge ‘Permanently’ Blocks Medicare Advantage Switch For 250K NYC Retirees, City To Appeal” (Gothamist, August 11, 2023) the Gothamist reports on New York Supreme Court Justice Lyle E. Frank’s ruling permanently enjoining the City from forcing city retirees out of traditional Medicare and into a Medicare Advantage plan.  Some 250,000 senior citizens, disabled first-responders, and their dependents will benefit from decision.

This decision is the sixth victory in the courts for the retirees.

Partner Steve Cohen represents the NYC Organization of Retirees in this matter.

To read the full article, click below.

Judge ‘Permanently’ Blocks Medicare Advantage Switch For 250K NYC Retirees, City To Appeal